Brinkia kerpiana
Dublin Core
Brinkia kerpiana
DoloMythicWomen campagna Musei delle Dolomiti 2021
Fragile e delicata? No, forte e persistente è la Brinkia kerpiana, una pianta fossile del Bletterbach dedicata a una donna forte, Wies van den Brink, ex palinologa e moglie del famoso paleobotanico Hans Kerp, che lo ha stimolato e sostenuto durante la sua carriera. Fu il suo sostegno che gli permise di diventare uno dei più famosi paleobotanici viventi. C'è spesso una donna brillante dietro i nomi dei grandi scienziati che ci vengono insegnati nella ricerca. È a lei che che è stata dedicata questo primo record di una pianta sopravvissuta all'estinzione di massa della fine del Permiano, la madre di tutte le estinzioni di massa!
Fragile and delicate? NO, not at all, strong and persistent is Brinkia kerpiana, a plant fossil from the Bletterbach that was dedicated to a strong woman, Wies van den Brink, former palynologist and wife of Hans Kerp, who stimulated and supported him during his career. It was her support that enabled him to become one of the most famous living palaeobotanists. There is often a brilliant woman behind the big scientist names we are teached about in research. It was to honor her, that the first record of a plant that survived the end-Permian mass extinction, the mother of all mass extinction, was named!
Fragile and delicate? NO, not at all, strong and persistent is Brinkia kerpiana, a plant fossil from the Bletterbach that was dedicated to a strong woman, Wies van den Brink, former palynologist and wife of Hans Kerp, who stimulated and supported him during his career. It was her support that enabled him to become one of the most famous living palaeobotanists. There is often a brilliant woman behind the big scientist names we are teached about in research. It was to honor her, that the first record of a plant that survived the end-Permian mass extinction, the mother of all mass extinction, was named!
Evelyn Kustatscher
Evelyn Kustatscher, “Brinkia kerpiana,” Patrimonio - Museo, ultimo accesso il: 11 marzo 2025,