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DoloMythicWomen campagna Musei delle Dolomiti 2021
Questa felce dell'Anisiano di Kühwiesenkopf/Monte Prá della Vacca nelle Dolomiti Settentrionali porta il nome di due importanti scienziate: Gordonopteris lorigae! La geologia è un campo dove le donne sono rare, e la storia della scoperta delle Dolomiti ha solo pochissime donne famose. Ma ce ne sono due eccezionali, a cui è stato dato il nome di un fossile vegetale. Maria Matilda Ogilvie Gordon non è stata solo una geologa e politica britannica, è stata la prima donna a ricevere un dottorato di ricerca dall'Università di Londra e la prima donna a ricevere un dottorato dall'Università LMU di Monaco di Baviera. Fu anche molto importante per la scoperta della geologia delle Dolomiti e fu la prima a figurare e descrivere piante fossili delle Dolomiti. Carmela Loriga Broglio era professoressa presso l'Università di Ferrara. Il suo campo principale erano gli invertebrati delle Alpi meridionali con particolare interesse per le Dolomiti. Aveva però anche una grande passione per le piante fossili.
Fern named after two important scientists: Gordonopteris lorigae from the Anisian of Kühwiesenkopf in the Northern Dolomites! Geology is a field where women are rare, the history of the discovery of the Dolomites has only very few women that are known. But there are two after which a plant fossil has been named.
Dame Maria Matilda Ogilvie Gordon was not only a british geologist and politician, she was the first first woman to be awarded a Doctor of Science from University of London and the first woman to be awarded a PhD from the LMU University of Munich. She was also very important for the discovery of the geology of the Dolomites and she was the first to figure, enlist and describe plant fossils from the Dolomites.
Carmela Loriga Broglio was professor at the University of Ferrara. Her main field were invertebrates of the Southern Alps with special interest to the Dolomites. She had, however, also a great passion for fossil plants.
Fern named after two important scientists: Gordonopteris lorigae from the Anisian of Kühwiesenkopf in the Northern Dolomites! Geology is a field where women are rare, the history of the discovery of the Dolomites has only very few women that are known. But there are two after which a plant fossil has been named.
Dame Maria Matilda Ogilvie Gordon was not only a british geologist and politician, she was the first first woman to be awarded a Doctor of Science from University of London and the first woman to be awarded a PhD from the LMU University of Munich. She was also very important for the discovery of the geology of the Dolomites and she was the first to figure, enlist and describe plant fossils from the Dolomites.
Carmela Loriga Broglio was professor at the University of Ferrara. Her main field were invertebrates of the Southern Alps with special interest to the Dolomites. She had, however, also a great passion for fossil plants.
Evelyn Kustatscher
Evelyn Kustatscher, “Donne scienziate,” Patrimonio - Museo, ultimo accesso il: 11 marzo 2025,