Dublin Core
Avete voglia di andare al mare, di fare delle belle vacanze diciamo alle Bahamas? Spesso però è difficile viaggiare a questi posti lontani. Ma possiamo fare anche un salto nel tempo e visitare queste aree tropicali (foto rubata da Piero Gianolla). Circa 230 milioni di anni fa lo Sciliar era una bella isola in un mare tropicale. Le sue rocce sono composte da ex scheletri trasformati di coralli, alghe, stuoie microbiche, spugne, conchiglie di molluschi e quant'altro viveva in quel caldo mare. Sull'isola crescevano conifere, felci e probabilmente alcune felci da seme e - chissà - anche alcuni rettili e insetti.
I want to go to the seaside, I want to have great holidays let's say at the Bahamas... but traveling is difficult with Covid this year. Well let's go to the Schlern/Sciliar then, a fossil tropical island (picture stolen from Piero Gianolla). Abeut 230 million years ago the Schlern/Sciliar was a beautiful island in a tropical sea. Its rocks are composed of transformed former skeletons of corals, algi, microbial mats, sponge, mollusk shells and whatever else was living in those warm seaside. On the island grew conifers, ferns and probably some seed ferns and - who knows - some reptiles and insects too.
I want to go to the seaside, I want to have great holidays let's say at the Bahamas... but traveling is difficult with Covid this year. Well let's go to the Schlern/Sciliar then, a fossil tropical island (picture stolen from Piero Gianolla). Abeut 230 million years ago the Schlern/Sciliar was a beautiful island in a tropical sea. Its rocks are composed of transformed former skeletons of corals, algi, microbial mats, sponge, mollusk shells and whatever else was living in those warm seaside. On the island grew conifers, ferns and probably some seed ferns and - who knows - some reptiles and insects too.
Evelyn Kustatscher
Evelyn Kustatscher, “Schlern/Sciliar,” Patrimonio - Museo, ultimo accesso il: 20 gennaio 2025,